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理学院青年学术论坛第278期——Theoretical survey of emergent nonlinear waves in nonlinear optical and matter-wave media

主讲人 :曾健华 地点 :主楼212教室 开始时间 : 2023-05-26 16:30:00 结束时间 :

报告题目:Theoretical survey of emergent nonlinear waves in nonlinear optical and matter-wave media

报告人:曾健华 研究员





The creation and manipulation of nonlinear localized waves including various types of solitons are among the paramount and advanced research field in nonlinear physics that generally includes three interdisciplinary directions: chaos, solitons and fractals. Particularly, instead of launching the critical collapses in two dimensional self-focusing systems and 3D supercritical one, novel linear periodic structures in the forms of moiré optical/photonic lattices and nanoscale lattices are nowadays widely introduced to the stabilization of various structures of nonlinear localized waves like fundamental solitons, gap solitons and vortices, etc. Competing nonlinearity and the combination of quantum optics and nonlinear effects (leading to the formation of quantum nonlinear optics) have also recently been introduced to create robust nonlinear localized waves. This speech would deliver the recent progresses of nonlinear localized waves made by his group and beyond.



从事“非线性物理与非线性光子学”理论研究,研究领域涉及非线性光学、超快光学、量子光学、超冷原子物理、高效数值计算方法等。在激光(在非线性光学介质中的传播)的非线性操控和超冷原子物质中非线性局域波的激发、结构特性和动力学调控机理研究方面,取得了系统性创新成果,拓展和丰富了波局域与非线性(孤子)物理的“初级阶段根本性理解”理论(揭示和扩大认知边界)。近5年培养博士5名,带领博士和硕士研究生以及团队青年访问学者,以唯一通信作者发表学术论文26篇,含Advanced Photonics (Research), Advanced Theory and Simulations, Chaos、 Solitons & Fractals, Communications Physics, iScience, Nanophotonics, Photonics Research, Physical Review A, Optics Letters等期刊。研究工作得到国家基金委重大项目子课题、面上项目,中国科学院“青年创新促进会”会员项目和“西部之光” 西部青年学者项目的大力支持。
